No Schedule Alerts at this time.
Divisions for 2025 will be:
30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, 65+
The new 65+ division will play on Wednesdays at 9am/Noon or 10am/1pm (TBD). Contact us for more information.
(posted: 1-12-2025)
Our next manager meeting will be held Saturday, March 8, 9 AM at Steve's Sports. If you are not able to attend, make sure you have someone representing your team.
10333 Northfield Rd #136, Northfield, OH 44067
(posted: 1-13-2025)
Sign up for our Player Pool using the button below.
Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. ~Frederick B. Wilcox