Greater Cleveland Adult Baseball
32200 Arthur Road
Solon, Ohio 44139
2024 Officers
Bill Russo, Commissioner
Mike Morel, Treasurer
Tony Martin, Secretary
Executive Committee:
Bill Russo
Tony Martin
Mike Morel
Terry Kozak
Greater Cleveland Adult Baseball is a sports league promoting amateur athletics by connecting adult men to play amateur baseball in a spirit of good sportsmanship, competitiveness, camaraderie and healthy lifestyle through the mutual love of the game of baseball.
This is a league comprised
of five age divisions;
30+ 40+ 50+ 60+ 65+
The GCAB league is a hardball, wood bat league that plays at high school and college fields throughout Greater Cleveland.
Each age division offers a fantastic opportunity for you to play the game of your youth. Some of our players have played softball and want more challenge, some have had high school, college, and even professional baseball experience but all share a common desire to feel the crack of the bat, hit a curve ball, steal a base and smell the pine tar!
In existence in Cleveland, Ohio since 1989, and reorganized in 2007, the league became an independent non-profit corporation with elected officers who serve for a board of directors.
This is an amateur league that is run professionally with uniformed teams, quality fields and professional umpires, "for the Love of the Game".
The League is always accepting player and team submissions. The league maintains a pool of available players. You must turn 30 years old by the end of each year to be eligible. There is no maximum age.